


1. once in a while 偶爾,有時用法:表示“有時候,間或”同義詞:from time to time,occasionally例句:I like to read books once in a while.

2. on purpose 故意地用法:表示“有意為之,特意”同義詞:deliberately,intentionally例句:I didn't break the glass on purpose. It was an accident.

3. by accident 意外地,無意中用法:表示“非故意的,偶然發生的”同義詞:unintentionally, inadvertently例句:I came across these old photos by accident.

4. on time 按時,準時 用法:表示“在預定的時間”同義詞:punctually例句:I'm rarely on time for appointments.

5. take care of 照顧,照料 用法:表示“負責處理,管理”同義詞,look after, attend to例句:Could you take care of my cat while I'm away?

6. keep in touch 保持聯系用法:表示“經常聯系或交往”同義詞:stay in contact例句:Even though we live far apart, we keep in touch via phone and email.

7. make a difference 產生影響用法:表示“導致重要的結果或改變”同義詞:have an impact例句:A good education can make a difference in a person's life.

8. take it easy 輕松,別緊張用法:表示“放松,不要著急”,用於鼓勵別人同義詞:relax、chill out例句:You look very stressed. Take it easy!

9. figure out 理解,想通用法:表示“通過思考弄清楚或理解”同義詞:work out、comprehend例句:I'm trying to figure out how to solve this math problem.

10. look forward to 盼望,期待

用法:表示“熱切期望某事物發生”同義詞:anticipate例句:I'm looking forward to the weekend.

11. make up 編造,虛構用法:表示“想象並創造,捏造”同義詞:invent,fabricate例句:She made up an excuse for being late.

12. come up 發生,出現用法:表示“突然發生”同義詞: arise,occur例句:Something unexpected came up at the last minute.

13. put off 推遲,延期用法:表示“推遲到以後再做”同義詞:postpone, delay例句:We'll have to put off the picnic until next week.

14. run into 碰見,遇到用法:表示“偶然遇見或碰見”同義詞:bump into, chance upon例句:I ran into an old friend at the shopping mall.

15. end up 最終成為或處於某種狀態用法:表示“最終處於某種 (通常意外或非預期的) 狀態或結果”同義詞:finish up, wind up例句:He ended up winning the lottery.

16. figure out 算出,理解用法:表示“通過計算、推理或思考而得出正確答案或解決問題”同義詞:work out, solve例句:It took me a while to figure out the answer.

17. get along 相處融洽用法:表示“與他人和睦相處”同義詞: cooperate例句:My roommate and I don't get along very well.

18. look up 查找,搜索用法:表示“在資料、書本等中查找具體信息”同義詞: search例句:You can look up the word in a dictionary.

19. try on 試穿用法:表示“試穿衣服以檢查尺寸、款式與其是否相符”同義詞:fit on例句:She's trying on dresses to wear to the party.

20. pay off 獲得成功或報償用法:表示“取得預期的成功或結果,或還清債務”同義詞: succeed,reimburse例句: All her hard work and perseverance finally paid off.


1. I haven't seen Tom for ages. We should _______ and arrange to meet up.

A. keep up B. keep in touch C. make up D. put off

2. I have an important exam tomorrow that I'm not ready for. I hope the teacher will ______ it.

A. look up B. put off C. make up D. take care of

3. The new information just _____ yesterday, so we had to change our plan.

A. ran into B. came up C. end up D. figure out

4. You can ______ the meaning of "democracy" online or in a dictionary.

A. run into B. put down C. look up D. pay off

5. The criminal ______ an elaborate story to try and prove his innocence.

A. figured out B. made out C. made up D. keep up

6. Sue ______ meeting her old friend in the coffee shop by accident.

A. Take it easy B. end up C. look forward to D. ran into

7. You're acting clearly so anxious. Please _______. It's not the end of the world.

A. keep in touch B. take it easy C. pay off D. look up

8. After years of studying and working, all his efforts ______.

A. came up B. made up C. paid off D. put on

9. A: Can you ______ how this gadget works?

B: Let me try and see if I can figure it out.

A. worked off B. run into C.figure out D.put off

10. I'm busy preparing for my trip. I have to______ shopping and packing.

A. look forward to B. make up C. take care of D. come up

答案:1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C