[美劇] 始祖傢族/The Originals 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood.


and while we may not choose our family, their bond can be our greatest strength, or our deepest regret.

=> 雖然我們不能選擇我們的傢庭,但他們的紐帶可能是我們最大的力量,也是我們最深的遺憾。

This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.

=> 隻要我記得,這個不幸的事實讓我感到困擾。

What do you make of that? No banner, no flag, floated out here from nowhere.

=> 你怎麼做的?沒有旗幟,沒有旗幟,從這裡飄出來。

A miracle ship.

=> 奇跡船。

Why is it just sitting out there? 'suppose we ought to find out.

=> 為什麼隻是坐在那裡? “假設我們應該找出答案。

Where in hell is everyone? Deserted.

=> 大傢到底在哪裡?冷清。

This makes everything in the hold legally forfeit.

=> 這使得在一切舉行合法沒收。

Take what suits you.

=> 以什麼適合你。

What do you make of that? Open it up.

=> 你怎麼做的?打開它。

What the hell? Hello.

=> 我勒個去?你好。

Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey.

=> 經過漫長的旅程,可以看到這麼一張帥氣的臉。

Can I eat him, brother? I'd rather you didn't.

=> 我可以吃他嗎,哥哥?我寧願你沒有。

There's no need to be afraid.

=> 沒有必要害怕。

He'll do exactly as I say.

=> 他會像我說的那樣做。

He'll remember nothing.

=> 他什麼也不會記住。

I will remember nothing.

=> 我什麼都不記得

We've had a very long journey wherein which, unfortunately, we lost all of our crew.

=> 我們經歷瞭漫長的旅程,不幸的是,我們失去瞭所有的船員。

Therefore, I would ask you to kindly transport our belongings to the shore.

=> 因此,我會請你把我們的物品運到岸邊。

What kind of hell demons are you? We're vampires, darling, the Original vampires Rebekah, Elijah, our brothers Kol and Finn May they rest in peace Are we saving the best for last? And our half-brother Niklaus.

=> 你是什麼鬼地獄?我們是吸血鬼,親愛的,原始的吸血鬼利百加,以利亞,我們的兄弟科爾和芬蘭五月他們平安休息我們保存最後的最好?還有我們的同父異母的尼克勞斯。

Ignore him.

=> 忽略他。

He's a beast.

=> 他是個野獸

Ah ha ha! We fled Europe and survived the seas.

=> 啊哈哈!我們逃離歐洲,在海上幸存下來。

Would you rather I arrive hungry on the shores of our new homeland? Niklaus, your manners are, as always, without equal.

=> 你願意到我們新傢園的岸邊餓嗎?尼克勞斯,你們的舉止與往常一樣,是不平等的。

Sir, would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed? The French colony of Louisiana off the shores of a town they've named New Orleans.

=> 主席先生,你是否可以告訴我們,我們已經降落在哪裡?路易斯安那州的法國殖民地,在一個他們命名為新奧爾良的小鎮的岸邊。

I thank you so much.

=> 我非常感謝你。

Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself a little assistance for the luggage.

=> 哦,我建議你找一些行李幫助。

My sincere apologies.

=> 我真誠的道歉

This land is your land This land is my land So what brings you to The Big Easy? I used to live here.

=> 這片土地是你的土地這片土地是我的土地那麼,什麼把你帶到大易?我曾經住在這裡。

Really? When? Oh, feels like I just moved here myself.

=> 真?什麼時候?哦,感覺就像我剛剛搬到這裡。

What brought you back? Well, my brother is here somewhere.

=> 什麼把你帶回來?那麼,我的兄弟在這裡。

I'm afraid he might have gotten himself into a bit of a bind.

=> 恐怕他可能會陷入一點困境。

You say that like it's a common occurrence.

=> 你說這就像是一個普遍的現象。

Well, he's complicated Defiant, ill-mannered, and a little temperamental.

=> 好吧,他是個挑釁,不禮貌,有點脾氣的人。

See, we don't share the same father.

=> 看,我們不分享同一個父親。

Of course, that never bothered me, but my brother resents it deeply, never felt like he belonged.

=> 當然,這從來沒有打擾過我,但是我的兄弟對此深有體諒,從來沒有覺得他是屬於他的。

All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble.

=> 總而言之,他有著長期陷入困境的悠久歷史。

Well, I'm guessing you have a long history of getting him out of it.

=> 那麼,我猜你已經有很長的歷史瞭。

What kind of bind is your brother in? He believes there are people in this town that are conspiring against him.

=> 你的兄弟有什麼樣的約束?他相信這個鎮上有人正在密謀反對他。

Wow, narcissistic and paranoid.

=> 哇,自戀和偏執。


=> 抱歉。

Bartender with a grad degree in psychology, total cliche.

=> 調酒師與心理學的研究生畢業,總陳詞濫調。

Listen, Camille.

=> 聽著,卡米爾

I'm looking for someone who might shed some light on his current predicament.

=> 我正在尋找一位可能為他目前的困境揭開序幕的人。

She works here Jane-Anne Deveraux.

=> 她在這裡工作Jane-Anne Deveraux。

Any idea where I might find her? No, but I know someone who might.

=> 任何想法,我可以找到她?不,但我知道有人可能。

Welcome to New Orleans and the crown jewel of the Crescent City: The French Quarter Jazz and jambalaya, romance and poetry, not to mention things that go bump in the night, monsters that feed off human blood, vengeful spirits of the dead, and, my personal favorite, the witches.

=> 歡迎來到新奧爾良和新月城的皇冠上的明珠:法國區的爵士樂和什錦飯,浪漫和詩歌,更不用說晚上碰到的東西,吃人血的怪物,復活的死靈復活,我個人最喜歡的女巫。

Here we have voodoo shop jardin gris.

=> 在這裡,我們有巫術店jardin格裡斯。

Come in.

=> 進來。

Browse for a hex.

=> 瀏覽一個十六進制。

Are you gonna continue following me, Elijah, or do you want to talk? You know who I am.

=> 你會繼續跟著我,以利亞,還是你想談談?你知道我是誰。

Original vampire, always wears a suit.

=> 原始的吸血鬼,總是穿西裝。

You and your family are famous amongst the witches, especially with your brother back in town.

=> 你和你的傢人在女巫中尤為出名,特別是你在城裡的兄弟。

Well, Niklaus is here because he learned that a witch was conspiring against him, someone by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux.

=> 尼克勞斯在這裡是因為他瞭解到一個女巫正在陰謀反對他,一個名叫簡 – 安妮·德弗拉克斯的人。

Well, if he's looking of Jane-Anne, he's a little late.

=> 那麼,如果他看起來簡妮,他有點晚瞭。

Are you telling me she's dead? Come on.

=> 你告訴我她死瞭嗎?來吧。

Her sister Sophie is gonna want to talk to you.

=> 她的妹妹蘇菲想要和你談談。

That's Jane-Anne? Killed in public for anyone to find.

=> 那是簡 – 安?任何人都可以在公共場合找到。

Only people who come around here are the witches.

=> 隻有來這裡的人是女巫。

Now her sister has come to take her body.

=> 現在,她的妹妹來接她的身體。

Her spirit can't rest until it's been properly interred in the cemetery.

=> 她的精神直到被妥善安葬在墓地才能休息。

Please tell me that my brother had nothing to do with this.

=> 請告訴我,我的兄弟與此無關。


=> 沒有。

Jane-Anne died because she got caught doing magic.

=> 簡妮因為被魔法抓住而死亡。

What do you mean, she got caught doing magic? You want to know who killed Jane-Anne? You're about to get your first glimpse of Marcel in action.

=> 你是什麼意思,她被抓到魔法瞭?你想知道誰殺瞭簡安妮?你即將首次看到馬塞爾的行動。

The vampire Marcel? Things have changed since your family left, and Marcel has changed.

=> 吸血鬼馬塞爾?自從你的傢人離開後事情已經改變,馬塞爾已經改變。

I'm asking you, stay hidden.

=> 我問你,保持隱藏。

If Marcel finds out that a witch let the Originals back into town, my people will be slaughtered.

=> 如果馬塞爾發現一個女巫讓原著回到城裡,我的人民就會被屠殺。

Well, well, well.

=> 好吧,好吧。

What have we here? I got to tell you, Soph, this street corner is not proving the luckiest spot for your family tonight.

=> 我們在這裡有什麼?我得告訴你,嗨,今晚這個街角不是你傢人最幸運的地方。

Not half an hour ago, we had to teach your sister a little lesson we're putting her to rest, Marcel.

=> 不是半個小時前,我們不得不教給你的妹妹一點教訓,我們讓她休息,馬塞爾。

Leave us alone.

=> 讓我們一個人待著

I never said you could move the body.

=> 我從來沒有說過你可以移動身體。

Matter of fact, I left her here for a reason, send a message.

=> 事實上,我把她留在這裡是有原因的,發個消息。

If anybody is thinking of joining some kind of rebellion, my rules state that witches can't practice magic in the quarter, and yet a little birdie informed me that Jane-Anne was cooking up something magically delicious.

=> 如果有人想加入某種叛亂,我的規定就是巫師不能在這個季度練習魔法,可是有一隻小鳥告訴我說簡妮正在做一些神奇的美食。

Oh, yeah.

=> 哦耶。

While I have you, quick Q&A.

=> 雖然我有你,快速問答。

Any idea why? I don't know.


Witches don't get involved in vampire business.

=> 巫婆不參與吸血鬼業務。

Mm, that would be pretty stupid, that's for sure.

=> 嗯,這會很愚蠢,這是肯定的。

Tell you what.

=> 告訴你什麼。

Go back to the restaurant.

=> 回到餐廳。

Cook up some of that famous gumbo and keep those tourists happy.

=> 煮一些著名的濃湯,並保持遊客的快樂。

Take the body.

=> 拿著身體。

What? No.

=> 什麼?沒有。


=> 停止。


=> 停止。

Marcel I'm gonna hold on to your sister's body in case maybe you remember why Klaus is here.

=> 馬塞爾我會堅持你的妹妹的身體,以防萬一你知道為什麼克勞斯在這裡。

Marcel, please.

=> 馬塞爾,請。

Her body won't be at peace.

=> 她的身體不會安寧。

Not my problem You mean to tell me, after all these years, Marcel is alive and well? Quite.

=> 不是我的問題你說的這麼多年瞭,馬塞爾還活著嗎?相當。

Our brother seems to have wandered into a war zone, and I haven't been able to find him.

=> 我們的兄弟似乎已經進入瞭一個戰區,我一直沒能找到他。

Marcel, who Klaus sired and brought up beneath his own wing, now rules a menagerie of savage vampires running wild, killing in public for any human to come upon.

=> 馬克塞,克勞斯在他自己的翅膀下徘徊,現在規定野蠻的吸血鬼野獸狂奔,公開殺死任何人來。

Witches are held in subjugation.

=> 女巫被鎮壓。

I doubt Niklaus had any idea what he was walking into.

=> 我懷疑尼克勞斯有什麼想法,他正在進入。


=> 抱歉。

What was that? I stopped paying attention at "our brother.

=> 那是什麼?我不再註意“我們的兄弟。

" Rebekah Our hateful, traitorous bastard of a brother negated any sympathy I once had for him by his repeated efforts to ensure neither you nor I know happiness outside of his own selfish universe.


Always and forever, Rebekah.

=> 永遠永遠,利百加。

That is what we once swore to each other.

=> 這就是我們曾經發誓的對方。

Consider this me calling take-backs.

=> 考慮這個我叫回收。

Oh, you've called take-backs dozens of times over the centuries, and yet when our father found us and chased us from this very city I may be old, Elijah, but I'm hardly senile.

=> 哦,幾百年來,你們已經召回瞭幾十次,但是當我們的父親找到我們並且從這個城市追趕我們時,我可能會老瞭,以利亞,但是我幾乎沒有衰老。

I know very well I stuck with Klaus, and not 3 years later, he stuck a silver dagger in my chest and sent me into a magical slumber for 90 years.

=> 我很清楚,我和克勞斯堅持住瞭,而不是三年後,他把一把銀匕首放在胸前,把我送進瞭一個神奇的睡眠瞭90年。

Do you know why? Because I had the audacity to try and live my life on my own without him.

=> 你知道為什麼嗎?因為我膽大妄為,在沒有他的情況下親自過日子。


=> 足夠。

I believe our brother is in trouble.

=> 我相信我們的兄弟有麻煩瞭。

So whatever is going on between Marcel and the witches, it's dire enough that they'd risk bringing an Original back to town.

=> 所以馬塞爾和女巫們之間發生瞭什麼事情,這足夠讓他們冒險把原創帶回城裡。

The witches have lured him here.

=> 女巫把他引誘到這裡來瞭。

I'd like to know why.

=> 我想知道為什麼。

Oh, you got me into this, Jane.

=> 哦,你把我帶進瞭這個,簡。

Oh, give me the strength to finish it.

=> 哦,給我力量來完成它。

The doors work, you know.

=> 門,你知道。

You're doing magic? I'm praying to my dead sister.

=> 你在做魔術?我正在向我死去的姐姐祈禱。

Go ahead.

=> 前進。

Pay your respects.

=> 請你尊敬。

Don't make this a thing, Sophie.

=> 索菲,別這樣做。

The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne.

=> 混合動力車正在尋找簡 – 安妮。

Marcel wants to know why.

=> 馬塞爾想知道為什麼。

I'd say ask her yourself, but I guess you can't, see, because Marcel killed her.

=> 我想問問她自己,但我想你不能,看到,因為馬塞爾殺瞭她。

I'm Elijah.

=> 我是以利亞

Have you heard of me? Yes.

=> 你有沒有聽說過我?是。

So why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother? This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in But since I'm desperate, come on in.

=> 那麼你為什麼不告訴我你的傢庭和我的兄弟有什麼關系?這是神聖的地方,這意味著吸血鬼必須被邀請但是,因為我絕望,進來。

We can talk freely here.

=> 我們可以在這裡自由交談。

Then I suggest you start talking.

=> 那我建議你開始說話。

What did your sister want with Niklaus? Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help.

=> 你的妹妹和尼克勞斯想要什麼?這不是很明顯嗎?我們有一個吸血鬼問題,我們需要幫助。

Marcel has an army backing him.

=> 馬塞爾有一個支持他的軍隊。

The witches have been trying to fight back.

=> 女巫一直在試圖反擊。

We haven't had much luck until my sister Jane-Anne met a girl, a werewolf passing through the quarter from a small town in Virginia.

=> 直到我姐姐簡妮遇到一個女孩,一個穿過弗吉尼亞州一個小鎮的狼人,我們沒有太多的運氣。

She had a special connection to your brother.

=> 她與你的兄弟有特別的聯系。

What kind of connection? Apparently, they spent some time together.

=> 什麼樣的連接?顯然,他們在一起度過瞭一段時間。

One thing led to another, and now this special werewolf girl, she's pregnant, and the father of the child she's carrying is your brother Klaus.

=> 有一件事導致另一個,現在這個特別的狼人女孩,她懷孕瞭,她帶著孩子的父親是你的兄弟克勞斯。

It's impossible.

=> 不可能。

Nothing is impossible, especially not when it comes to your brother.

=> 沒有什麼是不可能的,特別是當涉及到你的兄弟時。

Think about it.

=> 想想看。

They call him the hybrid, right? Bring her out.

=> 他們稱他為混合動力車,對吧?帶她出去

Who the hell are you? Give us a moment, please.

=> 你到底是誰?請給我們一些時間。

So have they been holding you here against your will? They lured me out to the bayou and grabbed me.

=> 那麼他們是否違背你的意願把你抱在懷裡呢?他們把我引到河口,抓住我。

Then they did all these weird, witchy tests, not that I understand how this could happen.

=> 然後,他們做瞭所有這些奇怪的,可怕的測試,我不明白這是怎麼發生的。

I mean, vampires are dead.

=> 我的意思是,吸血鬼已經死瞭

They can't have children.

=> 他們不能生孩子

Perhaps if you knew my brother's story, it might explain how this is possible.

=> 也許如果你知道我哥哥的故事,這也許可以解釋這是如何可能的。


=> 這裡。

If I may What are you doing? Relax.

=> 如果我可以你在做什麼?放松。

If you open your mind to me, I can show you.

=> 如果你打開我的心,我可以告訴你。

In the beginning, our family was human, Come on, Henry.

=> 一開始,我們的傢庭是人類,來吧,亨利。

Our brothers are fighting again.

=> 我們的兄弟正在再次戰鬥。

Although our mother dabbled in the dark arts, we were largely just a family trying to survive at a time when it was quite difficult to do so And, for better or worse, we were happy.

=> 盡管我們的母親涉足黑暗藝術,但我們當時基本上隻是一個試圖生存的傢庭,在這個時候很難這樣做。無論好壞,我們都很高興。

That is, however, until one night.

=> 但是,直到一個晚上。

Our youngest brother was killed by our village's greatest threat.

=> 我們最小的弟弟是被我們村最大的威脅殺死的。

Mother! Men that could transform themselves into wolves during the full moon.

=> 母親!在滿月期間可以把自己變成狼的人。

Our family was devastated, none more than Niklaus.

=> 我們的傢庭被毀壞瞭,不過是尼克勞斯。

Desperate to protect the rest of us, our father forced our mother to call upon her black magic in order to make us stronger.

=> 為瞭保護我們其他人,我們的父親迫使我們的母親呼籲她的黑魔法,以使我們更強大。


=> 喝。


=> 喝。

Thus, the first vampires were born, but with this speed, this strength, this immortality came a terrible hunger.

=> 因此,第一個吸血鬼誕生瞭,但以這樣的速度,這種力量,這種不朽的感覺是可怕的饑餓。

No one felt this hunger more than Niklaus.

=> 沒有人比尼克勞斯更感受到這種饑餓感。

When he killed for the first time, he knew what he truly was.

=> 當他第一次遇害時,他知道他到底是什麼。

Aah! Aah! Nicklaus! Aah! What is happening to me? No.

=> 啊哈!啊哈!尼克勞斯!啊哈!我是怎麼瞭?沒有。


=> 別。


=> 別。

Father, no.

=> 父親,不。

It hurts.

=> 好痛。

Aah! He's a beast, an abomination.

=> 啊哈!他是一隻野獸,是一種可憎的東西。

He wasn't just a vampire.

=> 他不隻是一個吸血鬼。

He was also a werewolf.

=> 他也是一個狼人。

That's how the werewolf curse works, isn't activated until you take a life.

=> 這就是狼人詛咒的作品,直到你活下來才會被激活。

Niklaus was the result of an indiscretion our mother had hidden from us all, an affair with a werewolf like yourself.

=> 尼克勞斯是我們母親對我們隱瞞的一個輕率的結果,這是一個像你這樣的狼人的事情。

Ah Elijah, Elijah, hold him down.


Brother, please don't let them do this to me.

=> 哥哥,請不要讓他們這樣對我。

Do it now, boy! Now! Help me.

=> 現在就做,男孩!現在!幫我。

Your dad was a dick.

=> 你的父親是一個傢夥。

I'm Hayley, by the way.

=> 順便說一句,我是Hayley。

You should probably know my name if you're gonna tell me your whole life story.

=> 你應該知道我的名字,如果你要告訴我你的整個人生故事。

I mean, I know yours.

=> 我的意思是,我認識你。

Your family is legendary.

=> 你的傢庭是傳奇。

Your brother is a notorious psycho who I slept with, classic me.

=> 你哥哥是我睡覺的臭名昭著的精神病患者,經典的我。

I cannot excuse his behavior, but you must understand that our father hunted him, hunted us for centuries.

=> 我不能原諒他的行為,但你必須明白,我們的父親追捕他,狩獵瞭我們幾個世紀。

Every time we found a moment of happiness, we were forced to flee, even here in New Orleans, where we were happiest of all.

=> 每當我們找到幸福的時刻,我們都被迫逃離,甚至在新奧爾良這裡,我們都是最快樂的地方。

Not long after Niklaus broke the spell which prevented him from becoming a hybrid, he defeated our father.

=> 尼克勞斯打破瞭阻止他成為混血兒的咒語不久,他擊敗瞭我們的父親。

I thought this would make him happy, but he's angrier than ever.

=> 我以為這會讓他開心,但他比以往更生氣。

I wonder if, perhaps, this baby will be a way from my brother to find happiness, a way to save him from himself.

=> 我想知道,也許這個孩子是否會從我的兄弟那裡找到幸福的方法來拯救他自己。

I'm glad you feel that way because we need your help.

=> 我很高興你有這種感覺,因為我們需要你的幫助。

What, precisely, is it that you want? And what does it have to do with this young woman? We want to run Marcel and his vampires out of town.

=> 什麼,恰恰是你想要的?和這個年輕女人有什麼關系呢?我們想把馬塞爾和他的吸血鬼跑出城。

Klaus is the key.

=> 克勞斯是關鍵。

Everything Marcel knows about being a vampire he learned from Klaus.

=> 馬塞爾的一切都知道他是從克勞斯學到的吸血鬼。

Marcel trusts him, looks up to him.

=> 馬塞爾相信他,仰望他。

He won't see the betrayal coming.

=> 他不會看到背叛。


=> 是。

Well, as I'm sure you're aware, my brother Niklaus doesn't like to be told what to do.

=> 那麼,我確信你知道,我的兄弟尼克勞斯不喜歡被告知該怎麼做。

It's why I brought you here.

=> 這就是為什麼我把你帶到這裡

Marcel drove the werewolves out of town decades ago.

=> 馬塞爾幾十年前驅趕瞭狼人。

Do you really think he's going to welcome a hybrid baby to the neighborhood? Convince Klaus to help us, and no one has to know about the newest member of the Original family.

=> 你真的認為他會歡迎一個混合嬰兒到附近?說服克勞斯來幫助我們,而且沒有人知道最初的原始傢庭成員。

Sounds remarkably like blackmail.

=> 聽起來像敲詐勒索。

Like I said, I'm desperate.

=> 就像我說的,我很絕望。

Well, then, I have my work cut out for me, don't I? Evening, Elijah.

=> 那麼,我有我的工作為我切斷,不是嗎?晚上,以利亞。


=> 尼克勞斯。

What an entirely unwelcome surprise.

=> 什麼是完全不受歡迎的驚喜。

And what an entirely unsurprising welcome.

=> 多麼令人驚訝的歡迎。

Come with me.

=> 跟我來。

I'm not going anywhere till I find out who's conspiring against me.

=> 直到我發現誰在密謀反對我,我什麼都不去。

I believe I just found that out for you.

=> 我相信我隻是找到瞭你。


=> 沒有。

It's impossible.

=> 不可能。

I said the same thing myself.

=> 我自己也說過同樣的話

This is a lie.

=> 這是個謊言。

You're all lying.

=> 你們都在撒謊

Vampires cannot procreate.

=> 吸血鬼不能生育。

But werewolves can.

=> 但是狼人可以。

Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf.

=> 魔法使你成為吸血鬼,但是你是一個狼人。

You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind, and this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes.

=> 你是原始的混合體,是你的第一個,這次懷孕是自然界的漏洞之一。

You've been with someone else.

=> 你和別人在一起

Admit it! Hey, I've spent days held captive in a freaking alligator bayou because they think that I'm carrying some magical miracle baby.

=> 承認吧!嘿,我花瞭好幾天在一個怪異的短吻鱷河口俘虜,因為他們以為我正在帶著一些神奇的奇跡寶貝。

Don't you think I would've fessed up if it wasn't yours? My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy.

=> 你不覺得如果不是你的,我會不會覺得呢?我的姐姐給瞭她一生去執行她確認這個懷孕所需的咒語。

Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us.

=> 由於簡·安妮的犧牲,這個女孩和她的孩子的生命現在由我們控制。

We can keep them safe, or we can kill them if you don't help us take down Marcel.

=> 我們可以保證他們的安全,或者如果你不幫我們取下馬塞爾,我們可以殺死他們。

So help me, Hayley won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress.

=> 所以幫助我,海莉不會活得太久,看不到她的第一件孕婦裝。


=> 等待。

What? Enough of this.

=> 什麼?夠瞭。

If you want Marcel dead, he's dead.

=> 如果你想馬塞爾死瞭,他已經死瞭。

I'll do to myself.

=> 我會做自己。


=> 沒有。

We can't, not yet.

=> 我們不能,還沒有。

We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules.

=> 我們有一個明確的計劃,我們需要遵循,而且有規則。

How dare you command me, threaten me with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses? This is a pathetic deception.

=> 你怎麼敢命令我,用你錯誤地認為是我的弱點來威脅我?這是一個可憐的欺騙。

I won't hear any more lies.

=> 我再也聽不到謊言瞭。

Niklaus Listen.

=> 尼克勞斯聽著。

Kill her and the baby.

=> 殺瞭她和寶寶。

What do I care? Screw this.

=> 我在乎什麼擰這個。

I'm out of here.

=> 我離開這裡

No one touches the girl.

=> 沒有人碰觸這個女孩。

I will fix this.

=> 我會解決這個問題。

Niklaus? It's a trick, Elijah.

=> 尼克勞斯?以利亞,這是一個騙局。

No, brother.

=> 不,兄弟

It's a gift.

=> 這是一個禮物。

It's your chance.

=> 這是你的機會。

It's our chance.

=> 這是我們的機會。

To what? To start over, take back everything we lost, everything that was taken from us.

=> 什麼?重新開始,收回我們失去的一切,從我們身上拿走一切。

Niklaus, our own parents came to despise us.

=> 尼克勞斯,我們的父母來鄙視我們。

Our family was ruined.

=> 我們的傢庭被毀瞭。

We were ruined, and since then, all that you have ever wanted, all that we have ever wanted was a family.

=> 我們被毀瞭,從那時起,你想要的一切,我們所想要的隻是一個傢庭。

I will not be manipulated.

=> 我不會被操縱。

So they're manipulating you.

=> 所以他們在操縱你

So what? With them this girl and her child, your child live.

=> 所以呢?與他們這個女孩和她的孩子,你的孩子生活。

I'm gonna kill every last one of them.

=> 我要殺掉他們中的每一個人

And then what? Then you return to Mystic Falls to resume your life as the hated one, as the evil hybrid? Is it so important to you that people quake with fear at the sound of your name? People quake with fear because I have the power to make them afraid.

=> 然後什麼?那麼,你回到神秘瀑佈,像邪惡的混血兒一樣,重新開始你的生活嗎?人們對於你來說如此重要,以至於你的名字聽起來會讓人恐懼?人們因恐懼而震驚,因為我有權力讓他們害怕。

What will this child offer me? Will it guarantee me power? Family is power, Niklaus.

=> 這個孩子會給我什麼?它會保證我的權力?傢庭就是力量,尼克勞斯。

Love, loyalty, it's power.

=> 愛,忠誠,就是力量。

This is what we swore to one another 1,000 years ago before life tore away what little humanity you had left, before ego, before anger, before paranoia created in this person before me someone I can barely even recognize as my own brother.

=> 這就是1000年前我們互相發誓的那個人,在自我之前,憤怒之前,在這個人面前產生的偏執狂之前,我已經無法承認自己的兄弟瞭。

This is us, the Original family And we remain together always and forever.

=> 這是我們,原始的傢庭,我們永遠在一起。

I am asking you to stay here.

=> 我要求你留在這裡。

I will help you, and I will stand by you.

=> 我會幫你的,我會支持你的。

I will be your brother.

=> 我將成為你的兄弟。

We will build a home here together.

=> 我們一起在這裡建一個傢。

So save this girl.

=> 所以保存這個女孩。

Save your child.

=> 保存你的孩子。


=> 沒有。

Marcel and his vampires are out of control.

=> 馬塞爾和他的吸血鬼失控瞭。

Something had to be done.

=> 必須要做些事情。

And the solution is to bring in more vampires? These aren't just any vampires, Agnes.

=> 解決辦法是引入更多的吸血鬼?這些不隻是吸血鬼,艾格尼絲。

They're the Originals.

=> 他們是原件。

What makes you think you can control the hybrid? She can't.

=> 是什麼讓你覺得你可以控制混合動力?她不能。

What prevents my brother from murdering you instead of cooperating? Ow! What the hell? The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed, it didn't just confirm the pregnancy.


It linked me to Hayley.

=> 它把我和海莉聯系起來。

So anything that happens to me happens to her, which means her life is in my hands.

=> 所以發生在我身上的事情發生在她身上,這意味著她的生命在我手中。

Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you.

=> 克勞斯可能不在乎自己的孩子,但是這對你來說意義非常明確。

If I have to hurt Hayley or worse to ensure that I have your attention, I will.

=> 如果我必須傷害海莉,或者更糟,以確保我有你的關註,我會的。

You dare threaten an Original? I have nothing to lose.

=> 你敢威脅原著?我沒有任何損失。

You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind.

=> 你要到午夜才能讓克勞斯改變主意。

Hey, man, where'd you run off to? Oh, someone put you in a mood.

=> 嘿,夥計,你跑哪去瞭?哦,有人把你放在一個心情。

What can I do? What you can do is, you can tell me what this thing is you have with the witches.

=> 我能做什麼?你可以做的是,你可以告訴我你跟女巫有什麼關系。

You know I owe you everything I got, but I'm afraid I have to draw the line on this one.

=> 你知道,我欠你一切,但恐怕我必須在這一行上劃清界限。

This is my business.

=> 這是我的事。

I control the witches in my town.

=> 我控制著我鎮上的女巫。

Let's just leave it at that.

=> 讓我們把它留在那。

Your town? Damn straight.

=> 你的小鎮?該死的直。

Ha! That's funny because when I left you were just a pathetic, little scrapper still trembling from the lashes of the whips of those who would you keep you do, and now look at you Master of your domain, prince of the city.

=> 哈!這很有趣,因為當我離開的時候,你隻是一個可憐的小scrap still,還在那些你要你做的人的鞭子的睫毛上顫抖,現在看著你的領域的主人,城市的王子。

I'd like to know how.

=> 我想知道如何。

Why? Jealous? Hey, man, I get it.

=> 為什麼?妒?嘿,夥計,我明白瞭。

you helped build a backwater penal colony into something.

=> 你幫助建立瞭一個回流刑罰殖民地的東西。

You started it, but then you left.

=> 你開始瞭,但你離開瞭。

Actually, you ran from it.

=> 其實,你跑瞭。

I saw it through.

=> 我看到瞭。

Look around.

=> 環視四周。

Vampires rule this city now.

=> 吸血鬼現在統治這個城市。

I got rid of the werewolves.

=> 我擺脫瞭狼人。

I even found a way to shut down the witches.

=> 我甚至找到瞭關閉女巫的方法。

The blood never stops flowing, and the party never ends.

=> 血液不停地流動,黨永遠不會結束。

You want to pass on through? You want to stay a while? Great.

=> 你想傳遞?你想呆一段時間?大。

What's mine is yours, but it is mine My home, my family, my rules.

=> 我的是你的,但是我的傢,我的傢庭,我的規則。

And if someone breaks those rules? They die.

=> 如果有人違反這些規則?他們死。

Mercy is for the weak.

=> 憐憫是為瞭弱者。

You taught me that, too, and I'm not the prince of the quarter, friend.

=> 你也教過我,我不是這個季度的王子,朋友。

I'm the King! Show me some respect.

=> 我是王!給我一些尊重。

You're friend will be dead by the weekend, which means I've broken one of your rules, and yet I cannot be killed.

=> 你的朋友在周末就已經死瞭,這意味著我破壞瞭你的一個規則,但是我不能被殺死。

I am immortal.

=> 我是不朽的。

Who has the power now, friend? He's willing to give up everything.

=> 誰現在有權力,朋友?他願意放棄一切。

Come on, Elijah.

=> 來吧,以利亞

Does that really surprise you? I can already see it.

=> 這真的讓你感到驚訝嗎?我已經可以看到它瞭。

He's spiraling.

=> 他正在螺旋上升

He's lashing out in blind rage.

=> 他正在盲目地憤怒。

You know, the last time I saw him like this, it lasted 200 years.

=> 你知道,我最後一次看到他,這個歷時200年。

Then leave him to his temper tantrum and come home.

=> 然後讓他發脾氣回傢。

With any luck, this misadventure will allow us a reprieve from all of his insanity.

=> 如果運氣好的話,這種不幸事件將會讓我們從他所有的瘋狂中得到緩解。

It was so close.

=> 這是如此接近。

When he heard the baby's heartbeat, I could see it in his eyes.

=> 當他聽到寶寶的心跳時,我可以看到他的眼睛。

He wanted it.

=> 他想要它。

He could almost taste happiness, and now his temper has destroyed it.

=> 他幾乎可以品嘗到快樂,現在他的脾氣已經把它摧毀瞭。

Even if I was to return him to sanity, he just lost Marcel's trust.

=> 即使我想讓他恢復理智,他也隻是失去瞭馬塞爾的信任。

So I'm almost out of time to get the girl.

=> 所以我差不多時間去找女孩瞭。

Get her? Have you lost your mind? Are we running an orphanage now? Say what you will about Niklaus, but on my life, I'm not letting anything happen to that baby.

=> 得到她?你瘋瞭嗎?我們現在在辦一個孤兒院嗎?說出你對尼克勞斯的看法,但在我的生活中,我不會讓任何事情發生在那個嬰兒身上。

You find him, and then you call me.

=> 你找到他,然後你給我打電話。

Don't worry.

=> 別擔心

I know how to deal with Klaus.

=> 我知道如何對付克勞斯。

Is that so? Please elaborate.

=> 是這樣嗎?請詳細說明。

Elijah Mikaelson.

=> 以利亞·米卡爾森。


=> 沒有。

I got it.

=> 我知道瞭。

It's all good.

=> 都很好。

It's time we had a little chat.

=> 現在是時候我們聊一聊瞭。

Well, if you're gonna talk, talk.

=> 那麼,如果你要說話,談談。

I got things to do.

=> 我有事要做

Oh, my, you have grown quite confident over the last century, haven't you? Me? I'd say it's you and your brother got cocky, come to my town like you own the place.

=> 哦,我的,上個世紀你已經長大瞭,是不是?我?我會說這是你和你的兄弟自大,像你擁有的地方來到我的城市。

Well, we did own the place once.

=> 那麼,我們曾經擁有過這個地方。

We were all quite happy here, as I recall, but we could never control those pesky witches at the French quarter.

=> 我記得,在這裡我們都非常高興,但是我們決不能控制這個法國人那些討厭的女巫。

How do you do it? Hmm, brother asked me the same question.

=> 你怎麼做呢?嗯,兄弟問我同樣的問題。

I gave him the same answer.

=> 我給瞭他同樣的答案。

It's my business.

=> 這是我的事

Everything in the quarter is my business.

=> 本季度的一切都是我的事業。

Klaus comes into town all nice and friendly.

=> 克勞斯來到城裡都很好,很友好。

Then he starts looking down his nose at what I done like it's some cheap knockoff of one of his dumb paintings.

=> 然後,他開始低頭看我做瞭什麼,就像是他的一個愚蠢的繪畫便宜的敲門聲。

Then he gets pissed off like a little bitch and bites one of my guys.

=> 然後,他就像一個小婊子生氣,咬我的人之一。

Well, I do apologize for Klaus' poor behavior.

=> 好吧,我對克勞斯的不良行為道歉。

I assume you know that that bite will kill your friend within a matter of days.

=> 我假設你知道這一口事會在幾天內殺死你的朋友。

Of course, Niklaus' blood would cure him.

=> 尼古拉斯的血當然會治好他。

What? Yes.

=> 什麼?是。

Apparently, the blood of the hybrid will cure a werewolf bite, quite a handy, little thing when one needs leverage a negotiation.

=> 顯然,混血的血液會治愈一個狼人的咬,相當方便,當一個需要杠桿談判的小東西。

What kind of negotiations we talking about? Return the body of the witch Jane-Anne, allow her people to put her to rest.

=> 我們在談論什麼樣的談判?回歸簡妮安妮的身體,讓她的人把她安息。

What do you care about the witches? Well, that's my business, now, isn't it? His time is up.

=> 你在乎女巫呢?那麼,這是我的生意,不是嗎?他的時間到瞭。

What are you gonna do now, Sophie? I'm gonna do what I said I was gonna do.

=> 蘇菲,你現在要做什麼?我會做我說我會去做的事情。

What, kill the girl? Kill yourself? Klaus does not care about the child.

=> 什麼,殺死那個女孩?殺死自己?克勞斯不在乎孩子。

I do And I bring proof of my intent to help you The body of your fallen friend, which I procured from Marcel himself.

=> 我做,而且我帶來瞭我的意圖的證據來幫助你我從馬塞爾自己采購的你墮落的朋友的身體。

Oh, Jane-Anne.

=> 哦,簡 – 安。

May she be granted peace.

=> 願她獲得和平。

Klaus will agree to your terms.

=> 克勞斯將同意你的條款。

I just need a little more time.

=> 我隻需要多一點時間。

You had your time.

=> 你有你的時間。

It's passed.

=> 它通過瞭。

Shut up, Agnes.

=> 閉嘴,艾格尼絲

For now, accept the deal.

=> 現在,接受交易。

The girl and the child remain unharmed, or Klaus will kill you all And I will help him.

=> 女孩和孩子仍然沒有受到傷害,否則克勞斯會殺瞭你所有的我會幫助他。

Have I not made clear my desire to be left alone? Oh, you demand to be left alone at least once a decade.

=> 我有沒有明確表達自己的願望?哦,你要求至少每十年一個人待在一起。

Why must you keep harping on about the baby? That child will never be born.


In fact, Hayley is probably dead already.

=> 事實上,海莉可能已經死瞭。

You will not walk away from this.

=> 你不會離開這個。

Let me go.

=> 讓我走。

I will not! Don't make me say it again.

=> 我不會!不要讓我再說一遍。

I will not let you go.

=> 我不會讓你走。

I will never let go.

=> 我永遠不會放過

Even if I have to spend eternity saving you from your own stubborn, petulant, vile self, if I have to beat you as father used to beat you to remind you of your own humanity, to care about anything.

=> 即使我必須花費永恒,把自己從固執的,虛弱的,卑鄙的自我中拯救出來,如果我必須打敗你,就像父親曾經打你一樣,提醒你自己的人性,關心任何事情。

You're beyond pathetic, Elijah.

=> 以利亞,你可憐瞭。

Who's more pathetic, the one who sees hope to make his family whole Or the coward who can only see the world through his own fear? I haven't cared about anything for centuries.

=> 更可悲的是,看到希望使自己的傢庭成為整體的人還是隻能通過自己的恐懼才能看到世界的懦夫?幾個世紀以來,我一直都不在乎。

Why on earth do you? Because I failed you.

=> 為什麼你呢?因為我失敗瞭

Because the first time our father laid a hand on you, I should've struck him dead, and I made a promise to you Always, forever family above all.

=> 因為我們的父親第一次把你放在手上,我應該把他打死,我向你承諾永遠,永遠是傢庭。

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are a sentimental fool.

=> 哈哈哈!哈哈哈!你是個多愁善感的傻瓜。


=> 也許。

I've lasted this long in spite of it, haven't I? The bond of family blesses us with an immeasurable power.

=> 盡管如此,我已經持續瞭很長時間,不是嗎?傢庭的紐帶為我們蒙上瞭不可估量的力量。

But we also must accept what comes with it.

=> 但是我們也必須接受它所帶來的。

It gives us a responsibility to love without condition Without apology.

=> 它給瞭我們一個無條件的愛的責任,沒有道歉。

We can never waiver from the power of that bond, even when it is tested.

=> 即使經過測試,我們永遠也不能放棄這種債券的權力。

The bond nourishes us, gives us strength.

=> 債券滋養我們,給我們力量。

Without that power, we have nothing.

=> 沒有這種力量,我們什麼都沒有。

This town was my home once, and in my absence, Marcel has got everything I ever wanted Power, loyalty, family.

=> 這個城鎮曾經是我的傢園,在我不在的時候,馬塞爾擁有瞭我想要的一切權力,忠誠,傢庭。

I made him in my image, and he has bettered me.

=> 我以他的形象塑造瞭他,他讓我變得更加美好。

I want what he has.

=> 我想要他所擁有的。

I want it back.

=> 我想要回來。

I want to be King.

=> 我想成為國王。

So is that all this child means to you, a grab for power? What does it mean to you? I think this child can offer you the one thing that you've never believed you had.

=> 那麼這個小孩對你來說意味著什麼?這對你意味著什麼?我想這個孩子可以為你提供你從未相信過的一件事。

And what's that? The unconditional love of family.

=> 那是什麼?傢庭的無條件的愛。

Tell Sophie Deveraux we have a deal.

=> 告訴Sophie Deveraux我們有一個交易。

You all right? Just dust.

=> 你沒事吧?隻是灰塵。

This place is ancient.

=> 這個地方很古老。


=> 是。

It should serve our purposes.

=> 它應該服務於我們的目的。

It's a sanctuary from our business in the quarter.

=> 這是本季度我們業務的避難所。

Right now, you're the most important person in this family.

=> 現在,你是這個傢庭中最重要的人。

You need a good home.

=> 你需要一個好傢。

So I'm curious.

=> 所以我很好奇。

In all this time, has anyone asked you how you feel? About having a miracle baby with a psychotic one-night stand? About being a mother.

=> 在這一刻,有沒有人問過你的感受?關於有一個精神病的一夜情奇跡寶寶?關於做一個母親。

I I was abandoned when I was born, and my adoptive parents kicked me out the second that I turned into a wolf.

=> 當我出生的時候,我被遺棄瞭,我的養父母把我踢出瞭一秒,變成瞭一隻狼。

So I don't really know how I feel about being a mother because I never really had a good one.

=> 所以我真的不知道我是如何做媽媽的,因為我從來沒有一個好媽媽。

I will always protect you.

=> 我會永遠保護你。

You have my word on that.

=> 你有我的話。

And noble Elijah always keeps his word.

=> 高貴的以利亞永遠守信。

Is it done? As a matter of fact, yes.

=> 好瞭嗎?事實上,是的。

Your underhanded deal worked quite well.

=> 你的無禮交易工作得很好。

Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood, even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies.

=> 馬塞爾也很高興接受我的血,即使他接受瞭我的衷心的歉意。

His man Thierry yet lives, and I remain a welcome guest in the French Quarter.

=> 他的男人蒂埃裡還活著,我仍然是法國區的受歡迎的客人。

My own concern now is this coven of impudent witches.

=> 我現在自己擔心的是這個無禮女巫的這個委托人。

I believe them to be honorable.

=> 我相信他們是光榮的。

They did release Hayley to me, though they haven't been entirely forthcoming.

=> 他們確實釋放瞭海莉給我,雖然他們還沒有完全提出。

Marcel obviously has something that they need.

=> 馬塞爾顯然有他們需要的東西。

They don't want him dead.

=> 他們不想讓他死。

There must be a reason why.

=> 必須有一個原因。

I assume it's all quiet out there? The witches know better than to use magic.

=> 我認為這裡一切安靜?女巫知道比使用魔法更好。

They know I can sense it when they do.

=> 他們知道我能感覺到。

What about the old ones? They're dangerous, and I don't want them to hurt you.

=> 那些舊的呢?他們很危險,我不希望他們傷害你。

The Originals? Davina, as powerful as you are, they don't stand a chance.

=> 原件?達維娜和你一樣強大,他們沒有機會。

In addition to the secret weapon he uses to control the witches, Marcel has assembled a small army of vampires.

=> 除瞭他用來控制女巫的秘密武器之外,馬塞爾還組織瞭一支吸血鬼小軍隊。

Working together, we could destroy them from the inside.

=> 一起工作,我們可以從內部摧毀他們。

And what of Rebekah? Has she stopped her pouting long enough to join the fun? She has made her disinterest quite clear.

=> 那麼利百加呢?她是否已經停止瞭喋喋不休的樂趣?她使她的興趣變得非常清楚。

One too many times daggered and shoved in a box, I gather, or perhaps she doesn't share your unwavering belief that I can be saved.

=> 有一次,有太多的時間在一個盒子裡d and sh,地走,我收集起來,也許她不同意你能堅持不懈的信念。

Rebekah may surprise us yet.

=> 利百加可能會讓我們吃驚。

After all, we all swore the same vow.

=> 畢竟,我們都發誓同樣的誓言。

I hope she stays far away because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive vulnerability, one weakness that Marcel could exploit.

=> 我希望她遠離我,因為我渴望重新奪回這個城鎮,從馬塞爾那裡偷走他最珍惜的東西,我意識到瞭一個巨大的脆弱,一個馬塞爾可以利用的弱點。

And what is that? You.

=> 那是什麼?您。

Waah! Uh! Uh! Forgive me, my brother.

=> Waah!呃!呃!原諒我,我的兄弟。

There is no power in love.

=> 愛情沒有力量。

Mercy makes you weak.

=> 憐憫使你虛弱。

Family makes you weak.

=> 傢庭讓你虛弱。

If I'm ever going to win this war, I have to do it alone.

=> 如果我打算贏得這場戰爭,我必須一個人做。