
万华禾香板 2024-04-06 23:36 15次浏览 0 条评论 taohigo.com


The simplest way to calculate OEE is as the ratio of Fully Productive Time to Planned Production Time. OEE最簡單的計算公式是:有效生產時間/計劃生產時間

Although this is an entirely valid calculation of OEE, it does not provide information about the three loss-related factors: Availability, Performance, and Quality. 盡管此計算公式十分簡單有效,但無法提供關於三種損失(設備開動率,性能開動率和質量開動率)的詳細信息。


高級計算公式基於三個OEE因子,Availability,Performanc 和Quality 。

OEE is calculated by multiplying the three OEE factors: Availability, Performance, and Quality.

Availability 設備開動率的計算

Availability takes into account all events that stop planned production long enough where it makes sense to track a reason for being down (typically several minutes). 開動率考慮停線時間足夠長的故障。到底多長的停線時間計入開動率損失?需要做規定。

Availability is calculated as the ratio of Run Time to Planned Production Time:Run Time is simply Planned Production Time less Stop Time



Performance 性能開動率的計算

Performance takes into account anything that causes the manufacturing process to run at less than the maximum possible speed when it is running (including both Slow Cycles and Small Stops).性能開動率考慮的影響線體以最大速度運行的因素,包括節拍不夠,還有小打小鬧的小停臺

Performance is the ratio of Net Run Time to Run Time.

Ideal Cycle Time is the fastest cycle time that your process can achieve in optimal circumstances. Therefore, when it is multiplied by Total Count the result is Net Run Time (the fastest possible time to manufacture the parts).理論節拍是線體所能運行的最大速度。

理論節拍X生產總數=靜生產時間 (也就是生產完該產量的最短時間)


Performance should never be greater than 100%. If it is, that usually indicates that Ideal Cycle Time is set incorrectly (it is too high). 性能開動率不應大於百分之百。如果大於百分之百,說明理論節拍給的太高瞭。

Quality 質量開動率

Quality takes into account manufactured parts that do not meet quality standards, including parts that need rework. Remember, OEE Quality is similar to First Pass Yield, in that it defines Good Parts as parts that successfully pass through the manufacturing process the first time without needing any rework. 質量開動率考慮的是不滿足質量標準的零件。

This is the same as taking the ratio of Fully Productive Time (only Good Parts manufactured as fast as possible with no Stop Time) to Net Run Time (all parts manufactured as fast as possible with no stop time).


OEE takes into account all losses, resulting in a measure of truly productive manufacturing time . OEE的計算要考慮所有的損失類型,以便得出真實有效的生產時間。

將Availability,Performance 和Quality的公司代入之後,便可得如下簡化公式:

Why the Preferred OEE Calculation? 為什麼要使用復雜OEE計算公式?

OEE scores provide a very valuable insight – an accurate picture of how effectively your manufacturing process is running. And, it makes it easy to track improvements in that process over time. OEE分數提供瞭極具價值的視角來審視工廠生產過程的效率,並且提供瞭提升生產效率的方向。

What your OEE score doesn’t provide is any insights as to the underlying causes of lost productivity. This is the role of Availability, Performance, and Quality. 但是OEE分數無法揭示生產效率損失的潛藏原因。這也是為什麼還要分開計算 Availability, Performance, and Quality 。這三個指標從不同側面反映瞭生產的真實情況。

In the preferred calculation you get the best of both worlds. A single number that captures how well you are doing (OEE) and three numbers that capture the fundamental nature of your losses (Availability, Performance, and Quality). 所以使用復雜的OEE計算公式打開瞭兩扇門,一扇反映瞭工廠生產效率的優劣,一扇揭示瞭工廠生產效率損失的底層秘密。


OEE is improving. Great job! Or is it? Dig a little deeper and the picture is less clear. Most companies would not want to increase Availability by 5.0% at the expense of decreasing Quality by 4.5%.