
Translator: Kongsen Young

1. 更廣泛,更經常地閱讀


2. 每天都要寫


3. 思考結構


4. 查閱風格指南並創造屬於自己的風格


5. 摒棄形容詞和填充物


6. 研究關鍵詞和使用SEO檢查清單


7. 瞭解你的受眾


8. 講述你的故事


9. 考慮快速閱讀者的需求


10. 保持緊湊,一定要統計字數


11. 讓別人得到一個清晰的簡介總結


12. 重讀你的作品


13. 在重寫之間休息一下


14. 從你的讀者那裡獲得反饋


15. 完成你的初稿再進行修改


16. 對批評持開放態度


How to become a better writer?

1. Read more often, and more widely

The more you read, the more you’ll understand about writing, structure, and style.

2. Write every day

Practice makes perfect! Write a little every day and hone your craft.

3. Think about the structure

Structure keeps you focused and templates help you writer faster, so you can focus on the meaning of your copy.

4. Look up style guides and create your own

Staying consistent is important. Style guides will help you sound authentic.

5. Ditch adjectives and filler

Simple, direct writing is effective writing.

6. Research key words & use an SEO checklist

Learn more about your target audience’s search habits and get your writing in front of more people. Use a checklist to make sure your content ranks higher in search engines.

7. Know your audience

Remember who you are writing for and get to know their challenges and needs.

8. Tell your story

Use storytelling techniques and real experiences to make your work more relatable.

9. Think about skim readers.

Break up your story into manageable chunks using subheadings. Keep these clear and concise, but don’t give the game away.

10. Keep it tight & stick to a word count

Word-economy is important. Ensure you are as concise as possible at all times. Word counts help you stay focused on the task at hand.

11. Get a clear brief

Know who and what you are writing for. This is especially important for professional writers.

12. Re-read your work

Take a deep breath and read it back. You’ll pick up on errors, strange phrasing and confusing sentences.

13. Take a break between rewrites

Start any editing jobs with fresh eyes. Trying to edit an article you just wrote will lead to mistakes.

14. Get feedback from your audience

Find out how your final pieces were received and do your best to incorporate good ideas in future work

15. Finish your first draft before making changes

Editing an unfinished piece is a no-no. It slows you down and leads to burnout.

16. Be open to criticism

Listen to your peers and editors. They will have a new perspective on your work and you can use it to get better.



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