不定式to do可以充當的成分——主、賓、表、定、狀、補



  • To play with fire will be dangerous. 玩火會發生危險。(指一次具體的動作)
  • To go there by bike is not possible. 想要騎車去那個地方是不可能的。(指一次具體的動作)
  • To see is to believe. 百聞不如一見。(指具體的動作)
  • When to leave hasn't been decided yet. 什麼時候動身還沒定呢。(指一次具體的動作)
  • Whether to drive or take the train is still a question. 是自己開車還是乘火車仍是個問題。(指一次具體的動作)




  • 決心學會想希望,
  • 拒絕設法願假裝。
  • 主動答應選計劃,
  • 同意請求幫一幫。

以及afford, strive, happen, wait, threaten

  • She pretended not to see me when I passed by. 當我經過時,她假裝沒看見我。
  • We agreed to meet here but so far she hasn't turned up yet. 我們約好瞭在這兒見面,但她到現在還沒露面。


接動名詞doing或to be done表被動意義的詞:



  • Our plan is to keep the affair secret. 我麼的計劃是讓這事成為秘密。(表明瞭主語“是什麼”)
  • His job is to paint the walls. 他的任務是粉刷這些墻。(表明瞭主語“是什麼”,且動作是一次性的,並不是日常工作)
  • One problem remains to be solved. 有一個問題尚待解決。(remain作系動詞表示“有待……”,這裡不定式作表語仍表示具體的將要發生的動作)



(1) 表將來

  • The car to be bought is for his sister. 要買的這輛車是給他姐姐的。
  • I have a lot of homework to do. 我有很多作業要寫。

(2) 中心詞加瞭序數詞、最高級或no / all / any,用不定式作定語

  • He had no place to live (in). 他沒地方住。(不定式修飾的名詞如果是time, place, way, 後面的介詞可以不寫)
  • He was the best man to do the job. 他是做這份工作的最佳人選。
  • She was the first woman to win the gold medalin the Olympic Games. 她是第一個在奧運會上獲得金牌的女性。

(3) 有些名詞的同根動詞跟不定式作賓語,因此這些名詞用不定式作定語

比如promise, plan, attempt, offer, decision, refusal, failure, ability, chance, warning, anxiety, eagerness, willingness, readiness等,這些詞的動詞(或類動詞)形式都跟不定式作賓語,因此修飾它們本身都跟不定式作定語。

  • I don't trust his promise to come. 我不相信他來訪的承諾。
  • He said he had no plans to go there. 他說沒有要去那裡的計劃。
  • He made an attempt to stand up. 他試圖站起來。


(1) 目的狀語

強調目的性時,還可以寫成"in order to do"或"so as to do"。

  • Her mother plans to fly to Beijing four times a year (so as / in order) to visit her. 她母親計劃每年飛四次北京來看她。
  • Bob took down my phone number so as / in order not to forget it. 鮑勃寫下瞭我的電話號碼以免忘記。

(2) 結果狀語

用於下列句式:so…as to / such…as to / …enough to / only to(表示意外或事與願違)/ too…to

  • I'm not so stupid as to write it down. 我不至於蠢到把它寫下來。
  • Jane hurried to the station only to find that the train had left. 簡匆忙趕到車站卻發現火車已經開走瞭。
  • I'm too tired to stay up longer. 我太累瞭不能再熬夜瞭。

【註意】在only too…to中,too…to…是“非常、特別”的意思,常與pleased / ready / willing / glad / happy搭配。

  • I'm only too glad to have passed the exam. 考試及格瞭我非常高興。

(3) 原因狀語

與情感形容詞搭配,說明產生這種情緒的原因。常見的此類形容詞有happy / glad / sorry / anxious / proud / disappointed / angry / surprised / ready / delighted等。

  • You will never know how happy I was to see her yesterday.



  • You are not allowed to smoke here. 此處不允許吸煙。
  • The doctor warned him not to eat too much meat. 醫生告誡他不要吃太多的肉。

☀think / consider / believe / suppose / feel / find / imagine / prove / appoint / judge / leave等後常接to be作賓補(被動態就成瞭主補)。

  • Most people considered him to be a great leader. 大多數人認為他是個偉大的領袖。
  • They found the answer to be satisfatory. 他們覺得那個回答令人滿意。
  • The Chinese food is considered to be the most delicious in the world. 中餐被認為是全世界最美味的。
  • The flu is believed to be a new type of flu. 這種流感被認定為新型流感。
  • We hurriedly ended the meeting, leaving many problems to be settled. 我們匆忙結束瞭會議,留下很多問題待解決。

☀ leave / set sb. to do讓某人去做某事,和使役動詞表達的意思一樣

  • He left Jim to find his own way home. 他讓吉姆自己回傢去。
  • He set the students to write down what he said. 他讓學生們把他的話記下來。


隻有get主動形式後接to do作賓補